Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Boxer vs. Rice

Senator Barbara Boxer, seen here crying over the vote in Ohio, today attacked Condoleezza Rice about the war in Iraq along with John Kerry. Coming from anyone else, criticism might have credibilty, but from these two it just seems like partisan sour grapes. Posted by Hello


jimbobb2 said...

I still don't understand her tears while she voted over the Ohio farce? Shame? Embarassment? Inner conflict? The courage, loyalty, dignity and breathtaking brainpower Dr. Rice brings to the party should force Boxer & Kerry both to tears. Dr. Rice will be one of the finest representatives America will ever have. The same will never be said of those two nattering nabobs.

Anonymous said...

She must be enrgizing her base for her next reelection campaign.

thc said...

I just don't see the point in beating her up if her confirmation is a foregone conclusion. Has she made mistakes, sure. But she is smarter than Kerry and Boxer combined.

Julie D. said...

I found it quite ironic that Kerry was attacking Rice for not admitting to having made mistakes. That coming from the king of the realm!

thc said...

Julie: I found it ironic that Kerry actually cast a vote.