Tuesday, June 14, 2005

It's a big tent

Let there be no doubt that Republicans come from every walk of life and are every shape and size.

Busty blonde porn star Mary Carey is in Washington to attend the President's Dinner, an annual fundraiser for Republicans. This afternoon she met with reporters to show off her evening gown and talk about a Republican luncheon she attended.
"I met a lot of nice people," Carey said of the lunch, where presidential adviser Karl Rove spoke. "I met some people who talked about helping me with donating money to my next campaign."

She plans to run for lieutenant governor of California next year as an independent. But her trip to Washington has swayed Carey's political leanings. She says she's been a Republican "for a couple of days."
Carey ran for governor in the 2003 recall election in California and finished tenth in a field of 135 candidates.

Is there anyplace in the world where politics is more interesting than California?

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