Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Doggone it, people like me!

I really thought Al Franken was a funny guy as a comedian and actor.  As a U.S. Senator, I've been less amused.  But today, after learning about Al's tax woes, I'm amused once again.

It seems that Senator Franken accidentally forgot to pay some taxes.  Not just a little bit, it was $70,000.  And it seems he had stiffed 17 states.

From Politico:
The comedian-turned-Democratic politician announced on Tuesday that he will be paying $70,000 in back taxes and penalties in 17 states after several weeks in which the campaign downplayed the amount of money that his company owed and changed the reasons for why the taxes (and workers' compensation insurance) had not been paid. During this period of time, Franken has also been avoiding publicly commenting about the controversy, instead relying on his surrogates to offer explanations.
Franken says it's his accountant's fault.  Of course it was.


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