Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Predictions for the S&P 500

It's January and that means that all of the big investment firms are out with predictions for the new year. And, like every year, the opinions are all over the board. Here are the S&P 500 predictions for 2006 from most of the major firms.

Prudential +22.6%
Citigroup +12.2
Morgan Stanley +12.2
AG Edwards +12.2
Goldman Sachs +12.2
Schwab +11.0
Lehman Bros. + 8.1
Banc of America +6.9
UBS +5.7
Merrill Lynch -1.9
JP Morgan -9.9

Isn't it amazing how analysts can be as much as 32 points apart?

(Anyone know how to get Blogger to do columns?)

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