In 2001, 840,279 people were reported missing to the police and entered into the FBI's National Crime Information Center. Very few of them made headlines, but one of them was bigtime national news for months.
It was on this day in 2001 that Chandra Levy was last seen.
U.S. Congressman Gary Condit at first denied having an affair with Levy but would later recant. Police repeatedly said that he was not a suspect but the media and Levy's family suspected that the congressman was hiding important information about the intern's disappearance. This concern deepened when he tried to avoid direct questions in a televised interview with Connie Chung on August 23, 2001.
The World Trade Center and the Pentagon were attacked by terrorists less than three weeks after the Chung interview and the Chandra Levy story faded into the background. Levy's murder was never solved.
Gary Condit failed to win the Democratic nomination for his own seat in the House in March 2002 and left Congress at the end of his term in 2003.
Did Condit withhold important information from investigators? Did he kill Chandra Levy? We may never know.